Optimization of a CRM instrument for ambient OH reactivity measurements


The project
It is important to assess the impact of biogenic emissions on atmospheric chemistry and on regional climate change. However there is compelling evidence that our understanding of physicochemical processes occurring in biogenic air masses is incomplete. For instance, previous field campaigns have shown that the OH reactivity of aged biogenic air masses is higher than what is expected from current models of atmospheric chemistry, leading to the so called ‘missing OH reactivity’. 

This project seeks to improve our understanding of OH reactivity measurements using the Comparative Reactivity Method (CRM), which is a prerequisite to address current issues of missing OH reactivity using this technique during intensive field campaigns. This work involves the optimization of an existing CRM instrument, based on the experience gained from its deployment during several previous field campaigns. This work involves an extensive characterization of the CRM performances in the laboratory and a theoretical investigation of the instrumental response.

Atmospheric chemistry, instrumentation, OH reactivity measurements


start: 01/01/2015
end: 30/06/2015
