• Klervi Vandenbossche, doctorante au LASIRe a remporté le 1er prix du jury à la finale Régionale MT 180 secondes

    Klervi Vandenbossche 1er prix du jury à la finale Régionale MT 180 secondes

The project Labex CaPPA

The major focus of the Laboratory of Excellence CaPPA – Chemical and Physical Properties of the Atmosphere – relies on the whole aerosol system and its precursors, allowing a better understanding of their role on the climate : radiative forcing and hydrological cycle. Additionally, the labex investigates the evolution of air quality at local, regional and global levels with specific concerns for radionuclides. It is a fundamental mission of the Labex CaPPA to further promote the northern region of France as a center of excellence in research and education. In bringing together 7 research groups, the labex CaPPA creates a multidisciplinary synergistic partnership strongly contributing to metrological innovations in the field of atmospheric environment. It therefore takes effectively part in the regional and national socio-economic development. 7 laboratories: LOA, PC2A, PhLAM, CERI EE, LPCA, LASIR, ICARE 5 partner institutions: CNRS, Université Lille Sciences et technologies, IMT Nord Europe, ULCO, CNES

M2 – Internship Offers

Internship offers – 4th semester of the Master diploma – 2023 In-situ observation of light absorbing organics in Lille and their relationship […]


The Labex CaPPA will present its last scientific progresses to the Advisory Board on the 1st July 2019. Free access to all members of the Labex


The Labex CAPPA is an integral part of the Foundation I-SITE ULNE


Presentation of the project Labex CaPPA in video (in french only)
This broadcast was made by the Regional Council of northern France to highlight the research activities led in the region and the contribution of European funds in Research programms.

Download the presentation brochure

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Conseil Scientifique du Labex
Monday, 1 July, 2019 – 09:30
Labex CaPPA
Worskhop IMT Lille Douai 26 juin 2019
Wednesday, 26 June, 2019 – 11:30
Séminaire Alexander PUD
5ème Journée Scientifique CaPPA
Wednesday, 6 March, 2019 – 09:15
IMT Lille Douai campus Cité Scientifique

voir tous les évènements

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Journée thématique du GDR Suie sur la « Métrologie des suies »
4 juillet 2019, INSTN Saclay
télécharger le programme

Top downloaded paper
The article Experimental and theoretical investigation of the reaction of RO2 radicals with OH radicals: Dependence of the HO2 yield on the size of the alkyl group, published in International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, is one of the journal’s top downloaded recent papers !

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